FREE ($995.00 value) How To Profit From Business Course
Who else want to discover how to increase your business profit by 28% in the next 60 days by implementing proven and simple, yet incredible powerful and effective marketing and sales strategies? They don't cost a lot and produce predefined and measurable results NOW!

You will find out "How a tiny $65 ad turned into over $2,000 in cash in just 30 days.";

"How this simple but effective promotion returned $15,000 in first week (the cost was $600)"

"I spy with my marketing eye - great marketing ploy - series of KGB style marketing techniques - reserved only for secret agents or very successful business owners"

and more bank account fattening marketing strategies...


:: 7 Deadly marketing sins 95% of business owners do ... more

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:: More articles about proven and simple yet powerful and extremely effective marketing strategies. These strategies don't cost a fortune; they produce predefined and measurable results! ...
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"I Spy With My little Eye" series presents...

The great ad that gives you reasons...
If you are looking to re-roof, build a new roof, having problems with your existing roof, damaged house - this ad will get your full attention

Let's analyse it

1. It has captivating headline..."7 Great reasons to call us immediately to solve your roofing problem" - if you are on the market and looking for roofing contractor, would you agree that this ad will stand out from the rest?

2. Great sub-headline "Please read this before you call any roofing contractor"

3. Guarantee - not some watery 12 months - but 25 and 50 years life time guarantee - most houses won't last that long nowadays. It's good idea to blast your heavy cannons in the beginning and not hold it off until the end. I'm in, what about you?

4. Picture of a man working on the top of the roof which looks like a complex job, picture of complete house with intricate tile roof and of course the picture of smiling professional and friendly team - which gives the impression of solid back-end, not some fly-by-nights.

5. They've surely done their homework and asked their customers what they like and what they hate in roofing contractors. Betcha the answers were:

5.1 It takes too long - so it's pre-empted by "Most roofing jobs completed within 2 days"

5.2 Contractors leave mess - "We leave ground spotless"

5.3 If the house is damaged, customers don't like to deal directly with insurance companies as it's a hassle - "We deal directly with insurance companies"

6. They're contributing to local community - "A percentage of each sale is donated to local children's hospital"

7. They understood the concept of "wallet share". That is - instead of chasing your tail and constantly aquiring new customers, most businesses are sitting on a gold mine without realizing it. That gold mine is their existing customers. The ones who have purchased from you your product or service. Let's say you are a roofing contractor and specialise in tile roofs. You sell your workmanship - labour as well as tiles. You have markup on your labourers (say you pay them $20 per hour and you charge customer $45 per hour) as well as on tiles (you buy them for $9 a piece and sell them for $22 a piece).

So, let's say that your employees are on site and your contract is for $70,000. The question you should be asking yourself - how to maximize sales opportunity and get paid more? You can up your prices but not too much, otherwise your product or service becomes less competetive. What else can you do? Let's see - you can install gutters - this job will net you another approx $8,000-11,000. You can also install drainage. What else? Well since you are on the roof and working with it's guts anyway - you can install an aerial anntenna for TV AND Radio. What about a basketball hoop?

So, now you have increased your wallet share - or how much your customer spent with you - this amount can be twice what you were hopping for if you'd done only one job. Surely you'd need to hire professional labour to fulfil all above tasks, however the good news is that you can use the same "combo" - "roof tiling, aerial, gutters, drainage, hoop, etc"...

Not only can you offer several "combos" but also upsell by giving better deals if customer buys whole lot - similar to what McDonnald's and other fast food companies do. Isn't it exciting?

Now the example of the above is shown on this ad - "We install all types of gutters", "We install siding and replacement windows that outperform all others"

8. Some roofing contractors refuse to do small or difficult jobs - "We do repair work that others won't do"

All in all it's a very good ad - what would make it even better, is giving away something for (of course) FREE - like "special report reveals 7 deadly roofing mistakes" or something to this effect. Also stronger call for action would be helpful

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Click here to learn of more low-cost, high-impact marketing strategies for your current or future business


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